English version below.
Klubben afholdt ordinær generalforsamling mandag den 24. februar 2019 kl. 18.30-20 i foreningslokalet på 1. sal i Hafnia-hallen.
- Valg af dirigent
- Godkendelse af dagsordenen
- Valg af referent
- Bestyrelsens beretning
- Forelæggelse og godkendelse af revideret regnskab
- Indkomne forslag
- Drøftelse af foreningens fremtidige virke
- Godkendelse af budget, herunder fastsættelse af kontingent
- Valg af bestyrelse
- Valg af formand
- Valg af kasserer
- Valg af øvrige bestyrelsesmedlemmer
- Valg af revisor
- Valg udvalgsposter
- Eventuelt
Referat af ordinær generalforsamling 2020
English language version:
Monday 24 February 2020, 6:30PM-8PM, the annual general assembly took place in the club/association room upstairs at Hafnia-hallen.
- Election of meeting chairman
- Approval of agenda
- Election of reporter
- Board report
- Submission and approval of audited financial accounts
- Proposals received
- Discussion of future club activities
- Approval of the budget, including decision on membership fee
- Board election
- Election of chairman
- Election of cashier
- Election of additional board members
- Election of auditor
- Election regarding sub committees
- Miscellaneous
Links to the meeting minutes, the approved financial accounts, the annual statement from the chairman and approved bylaws (all in Danish language) can be found above.